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Friday, December 14, 2007

Prayer Meeting 13th December

1 John 3 1-3

1How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears,[a]we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 3Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.

Last week we learned how much God loved us by the cross. This week, still in 1 John, we learned how much God loves us because we have been made His children. It's a wonderful privalige to be a child of God.

We were once rebellious and not wanting to know Him at all, but He has come to us and set us free, and by His grace made us His children. The gospel of John says in John 1v12 "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—" We have been adopted into His family.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Celebration

We had a good time on Friday at the Christmas celebration. We had some readings and some carols; 34 came along.

Mayor Ann Jackson took the first reading after the Reverend Alan Wynn- Rector of All Saints -started proceedings.

Steve gave a talk. Here is the transcript of it.

What is Christmas all about? Look over on the back of your sheet. Is it about a jolly fat man that comes once a year? Who has difficulty getting into a house, either by chimney, or whatever means, because he has had too many mince pies.

It’s all very well but the trouble with this man is he doesn’t stick around. We see him, (or maybe we don’t), once a year when he has left something under the tree. But after that special morning he disappears, not to be seen again for a whole eleven months until some impostors show up in department stores to encourage you to spend your hard earned money on things, you secretly admit, you don’t really need.

Not so the one we are celebrating today. He was promised from a long time ago. Mayor Ann Jackson read one of those promises; a promise of something big, something significant.

He chose not a major city, nor a big media event, but a backwater town, where it’s only claim to fame was it had the promise of God on it, or had a young shepherd boy called David live there.

This child, this Son, was going to stick around. He was going to be Immanuel, God with us. That is a promise too, from Isaiah 7, which the gospel writer Matthew quoted.

“The increase of His government and peace will know no end” we heard in the first reading. This speaks of continuation and permanence. Jesus was going to bring something about that was going to grow and stay.

How would this happen? Could a baby really do this?

Well, we know the rest of the story, don’t we? This baby grew up! And, after He was baptized, went around doing good and preaching the Good News of the kingdom; the Bible says.

He said seemingly audacious things like “God is my Father”, and “I and the Father are one”. Or things like “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Jesus wanted us to know He was going to stick around and had the authority and ability to do so; even death did not stop Him from keeping His promise because He was raised from the dead.

Some accepted; some did not. Those that did accept Him and his message where changed; changed from being fishermen, to being fishers of men. From being a penny pinching, thieving, tax collector, in the pocket of the Roman authority; to a writer of a book in the Bible. There are some here who can say that they have been changed too. They changed when Jesus met them at their darkest hour. And that’s the key: change.

Change comes from believing; from accepting who He is and what He had to say. That His Father could be your Father.

Christ kingdom grows by changing me, by changing you. Changing us on the inside, as Jesus said, like yeast in a lump of dough.

So as the last verse of that carol says:

"O holy Child of Bethlehem!

Descend to us, we pray;
Cast out our sin and enter in,
Be born in us to-day.
We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell;
O come to us, abide with us,
Our Lord Emmanuel!"

Ask Jesus for change and know His presence with you.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Prayer Meeting 6th December- Do we know how much God loves us?

Angela read from 1 John 4v10 "In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation (atoning sacrifice) for our sins."

Steve asked the question if we realised how much God loved us.

God shows He loves us by The Cross of Christ (Romans 5 v8 "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.") We are powerless, we were sinful; yet God has loved us and sent Jesus to pay the price. That shows amazing love!

God does not stop loving us. He is not disappointed with us. We are His children and can never turn His back on us.

This should lift our heads so we can walk with Him in confidence.

We prayed for different situations.
  • We thanked God for His amazing love.
  • We prayed for Steve who is talking at the Carol celebration.
  • We prayed for Lena who's family is not well at the moment
  • We prayed "Tony" Pauline's friend.
  • We prayed for Gloria who had been doing accountancy exams and Eden doing "Mocks" in January.
  • Jessica gave testimony for her daughter who had gained a job after we prayed for her.
  • We prayed for local churches that God would us them to be a witness for Him.
  • Ola got us praying for the council after he heard the vicar of All Saints saying how the council used to be regularly involved at All Saints.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fruit of the Spirit Study 2 - Joy, Luke 24:33-53

The Holy Spirit brings joy to every Christian. He fills our hearts with praise and thankfulness to God. Yet as you look back over the past few weeks, how joyful have you been? How can you experience this refreshing fruit of the Spirit more fully?

After Jesus' crucifixion, two of his disciples were walking to Emmaus. Suddenly a stranger joined them and began explaining the Scriptures about the Messiah. They did not recognize the stranger until they began to eat with him. Then their eyes were opened, they realized it was Jesus, and he vanished from their sight! They were so excited that they rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others. This passage helps us recapture the joy of the early disciples.
  1. What do you think of when you hear the word joy?

    When thinking of the word Joy emotions such as happiness, excitement and satisfaction seem to be generated.

  2. Read Luke 24:33-53. Try to picture those first few moments when the two find the eleven and the others (vv. 33-35). Now describe what you see!

    Two people came bursting into the room and were saying amazing things. They had been with Jesus! This must have caused uproar and bewilderment and disbelief.

  3. Suddenly, something happens to interrupt the story (vv. 36-39). How does the climate in the room change?

    Christ enters! The disciples must have been terrified. They knew this person but He was dead wasn't He? But another emotion starts to bubble up in them - Joy.

    What does this reveal about the disciples' true state of belief regarding Jesus' resurrection?

    Christ had told the disciples many times what would happen, how He must suffer and later to rise from the dead. The disciples did not understand let alone believe.

  4. Why did Jesus show them his hands and feet, and ask them to touch him (w. 39-40)?

    Jesus was very patient with them, He wanted their Joy to be grounded in reality. When it is grounded in reality and who Jesus is it becomes unshakable.

  5. For a moment, think of your wildest dream, the one thing in life you would rather see happen than anything else. Describe how you would feel if your dream were to come true.

    How does this help you understand what it meant for the disciples to be too joyful and amazed to believe (v. 41)?

    Could it really be true the one we love we saw dead is standing in the room with us now. Some times getting our wildest dream happen boggles the mind; we can't take it in.

  6. In what ways would their faith in him have been increased by seeing Jesus eat (vv. 41-43)?

    They looked at the empty plate with fish bones left on it. Ghosts don't eat do they?! Step by step Jesus was patiently building faith in His friends. Faith that would cause them to be able to speak out for him.

  7. Why were these activities—showing them his hands and feet and eating before them—necessary before he could open their minds to understand the Scriptures (v. 45)?

    Sometimes we humans are so locked in the physical, in the here and now, that Jesus knowing this had to use these things to get their attention and show he was real.

  8. The disciples, along with almost all other Jews, expected that the Messiah would be a political conqueror who would stamp out Rome's rule and restore Israel to her former glory. How does Jesus change their vision and understanding at this point in the narrative (vv. 46-47)?

    Christ's ever increasing Kingdom comes not by overthrow but changing individuals. Changing because they have believed the good news about Him.

  9. What The Father has promised (v. 49) is the Holy Spirit who would be sent to the disciples in the near future. In light of what Jesus has just been saying (w. 46-48), why is the Spirit's presence so important?

    Having The Holy Spirit enables us to experience God and His Joy which is grounded on who Jesus is.

  10. In verses 52-53 the disciples have changed from wondering and disbelieving for joy to having "great joy." How does Jesus' resurrection and the promise of the Holy Spirit help you to define joy?

    As was said earlier, this joy is based on reality and experience of Him.

  11. How can telling others about Jesus (v. 48) help us to experience this joy as fully as possible?

    Jesus is our friend and we want to introduce Him to others so they can know Him too. This brings us Joy as others are loving Him also.

  12. Spend time now praising God for who he is and what he has done for us.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Talk by Terry Brewer - The Book of Colossians

An overview of the book of Colossians:

  • Probably written by Paul from Rome in his first imprisonment there AD 61, 62
  • Some Christians blending other religions/philosophies/manmade ideas with Good News of King Jesus which leads to watering down of Gospel = licence or legalism
  • Church started by Epaphras Col 1v7, 4v12, led to Lord by Paul who had not met church
  • 1 v 4, 5 Faith, Love, Hope these three set tone for Colossians
  • These three lead to changed lives (1v6) same today – Trust/faith in King Jesus- looking up; Love for God’s people – looking out; Hope for wonderful future.- looking onward.
  • To counteract arguments Paul elevates Jesus to rightful position
  • God’s outstanding kindness, awesome love, gave us his Son
  • Paul writes to a holy people (1v2) God-given title to us
  • Good News going out all over world then and now – more people come to Christ in last 50 years than in previous centuries put together, more people dying for faith than ever before.
  • Sometimes wonder if talk about what we beieve and why rather than who King Jesus is .

Thursday, November 8, 2007


The word love is often abused these days. It is used in the context of close, cozy feelings; of ecstatic, exuberant sexual passion; and of conditional commitments ("I'll love you if you live up to my expectations"). From the Christian point of view, what is this thing called love? How do we get it and how can we give it away to others who need it? The word love (or some form of it) is mentioned sixteen times in 1 John 4:7-16.

  1. Why does the search for love dominate so many songs, novels and the lives of so many people?
    TheOxford Dictionary defines love as: A strong feeling of deep affection for somebody or something.

    However 1 Corinthians 13: 5-7 defines love as: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. We read that God is love in the Bible; this means that God defines love. And when we say that God defines love, we don't mean that He defines it like Oxford might define something -- we mean that God is the very definition of love itself. There is no such thing as love without God. As hard as we might try, we cannot define love outside of knowing God. This essentially means that our human definition of love is false.

    Everyone needs love and wants to be loved, hence the dominance of the topic. Love and lust are 2 totally different words that people use interchangeably.

  2. Read 1 John 4:1-16. John says that true love comes from God. What, therefore, has to happen before we can even begin to love one another (w. 7-8)? Explain.For us to truly love one another, we have to know God first of all because God is love. John 3: 16 – 17.
    To know God, we have to acknowledge that we have sinned, repent from them and turn to Christ as Lord and master. This means to have a close personal relationship with him by putting our faith in Jesus Christ. Acts 2:37b – 38, John 3: 5, Romans 5:19, 1 John 1: 8 – 10

  3. How do Christ's incarnation and death show us God's love (vv. 9-10)?
    I do not think that any of us would die for our own children, talk-less of dying for another person. But great is the love of God! That he sent his son to die in our place. What a great unconditional love! Romans 5:8, 6: 23.

  4. How does God's love motivate you to love others?
    God’s love is unconditional and unpretentious love. It is from the heart. He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship. By loving others this way, we would draw more souls to the kingdom and heaven will rejoice. Mark 12: 30-31
  5. Since we cannot see God with our eyes, how can we perceive his presence among us (v. 12)?
    Gen 1: 27 say that man is created in the image and likeness of God. Thus God’s presence is in man.1 Cor 3:16 says that our body is the temple of God. By loving others and ourselves, we can perceive God’s presence.
  6. How have you seen God's love demonstrated through other Christians?
    Yes. Missionaries that left the comfort of their homes preached the gospel in many places and changed many barbaric cultures.
  7. Verse 16 says we can "know and rely on the love God has for us." How does such assurance come about (vv. 13-15)?
    God is love. The assurance of God’s love is demonstrated firstly on the cross. Jesus died in our place. John 3: 16, Matthew 1: 21b

    Secondly, if we have faith in Him, all things are possible with God. Heb 11:11
  8. What do you think John means when he says, "God is love" (v. 16)?
    It means that God loves us unconditionally. He saved us, loves us, cares for us, forgives us without rubbing the sin in, wants the best for us, heals us etc. Isaiah 55:7, 9- 10

  9. Because God is love, what do we know about those whose lives are full of love (v. 16)? Explain.
    They are God’s children, their way will please the Lord and they will inherit eternal life.
  10. No one has ever seen wind, energy or electrons. We see only the effects of what they do. Likewise, no one has ever seen the love of God. As you look again at this whole passage, in what ways can you see the effects of God's love?
    It transforms lives, families, nations, churches, workplaces, etc.
  11. Think of someone you find it especially hard to feel warm toward, someone you are thrown together with regularly. Why is it difficult for you to love that person?
    Reasons are they may be nasty towards us and keep re-offending us.
    But like God, we must keep forgiving.
  12. Recognizing that love is not based on feelings, what are some practical ways you can show the fruit of love to that person?
    Caring, sharing, helping, praying, etc.
  13. Decide one specific action you will take in this coming week, and then pray that God's Spirit will begin to manifest this fruit in your life.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Prayer meeting Thursday 18th October

Jessica led the prayer meeting and started with this mini Bible study

How to be happy at work.

"The LORD will command the blessing upon you in your barns and in all that you put your hand to" DEUTERONOMY 28:8

Happiness involves feeling good about yourself. It's based on your relationships and achievements. When your gifts and abilities are fully developed and utilized through your life's work, you grow in confidence and strength.

Here are seven keys to being happy on the job:

  1. See work as God's gift, not punishment. 'When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work —this is a gift of God' (Ecclesiastes 5:19 NIV)

  2. Recognize God as your true employer 'Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does' (Ephesians 6:7-8 NIV)

  3. Pursue work compatible with your gifts. 'If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may bepraised' (1 Peter 4:11NIV)

  4. Learn everything possible about your job. 'Let the wise listen andadd to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance' (Proverbs 1:5 NIV)

  5. Use criticism to your advantage: In fact, make it work for you; ask for suggestions and correction: 'Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured'(Proverbs 13:18)

  6. Do more than is expected of you. 'And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him [two]' (Matthew 5:41). Be an extra-miler!
    Make Jesus your work partner. Stay Christ-conscious throughout the day as you perform your duties faithfully: 'Thou wilt keep himin perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee' (Isaiah 26:3).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mondays Prayer time led by Pastor Joe

Pastor Joe's Notes on Prayer

Levels of Prayer

Luke 11v 1
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us pray, just as John taught his disciples”

‘Lord teach us to pray’

Different categories

Types of Prayers
Times of Prayer
Methodology of Prayer
Nature of Prayer
Extend of prayer
Duration of Prayer

Types of Prayers

Prayer of Agreement
Prayer of Revelation
Prayer of Warfare
Corporate Prayer
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Prayer of Loosing
Prayer of Praise/Worship
Praying in the Spirit
Praying in Tongues
Prayer of Forgiveness/Atonement
Prayer by Word of Knowledge
Prayer of Wisdom

1. Prayer of Agreement – [1 can chase 1,000 but 2 can chase 10,000]

Matthew 18.19

In order to prayer in agreement with someone they must have:

Love overcomes everything

Pure Heart
You must be on one accord with the person you are praying with

Agree in Spirit
Pray with someone who has a higher anointing to yourself and feel the presence of the Holy Sprit.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Significance, Security, Acceptance

At the group on 11th October we had Mike Hewett from Church for The City -East London come and talk to us.

Here are his talk notes.

Luke 15 Gods view of us sinners!
3 stories 3 issues and in it are 3 issues addressed that we need to believe God sees us like. One issue will be yours!

Lost sheep
Significance. Lost in the city now, but lost in Adam- God's number one man and woman. Beautiful, intelligent and a great couple together! All the attention of God and creation – lost it all and the looks! Some of us looking especially for this. Live wanting to `make it so looking for praise and promotion–work, home and Church. Shy and retiring but offended when not mentioned in the credits, upset if ignored or overlooked driven to be the best, always aware of what others think especially the boss or the pastor – fed by stories like Joseph, or biographies of famous Christians always hoping you could do even better – and battle with pride – our significance we are seeking to gain from job, family, church- Jesus wants to set us free from this unhappiness - Me

Jesus - died to save us from the consequences of our sins, but to restore what Adam lost through sin and rebellion and here Jesus tells us how He restores our significance Foolish smelly sheep. Left others for, spent time looking for, picked up, close and then strangest of all - party (not with roast lamb). Your eternal significance, world cup and Peruvian mountain villager conversion. You have the attention of heaven and of the Father–His child, and will rule cities and judge angels. He is the one who will great you at death (John 14:1) and why even if by this world's standards you are a nobody your Father is a somebody which makes you a somebody – He makes mountains, creates galaxies and thinks about you all the time! And sent His Son in your place. You are already of great significance- 70 years or 70 million million years – what is worth more?

No longer use people to make you significant and important – genuine love them – God raises up people in this life anyway. (Ps 75:7)

Lost Coin

because difficulty like poverty, trauma or even death when young, but lost security in Adam when removed from security of the garden and God's presence. Uncertain about God's love - what if fall? Security in job, money, controlling people - live in fear – God here is pictured as one who seeks - He is doing the looking lighting the lamp - He found you, you are of value to Him in His hands Is 41:10 John 10:29. Eph 1:4 - been after you not let you go - lost sheep and lost son all chased! In death as in life Ps 139:16. But Mike my health, my job etc Not fatalistic as in - I can pray and seek His help but I am secure in His hands. Feelings of insecurity, circumstances shouting I am or solid fact of His word?

Lost Son
Acceptance – big deal when suffered loss of this – rejected by parents, school, work - personality, too thin, too fat, ugly, nationality, skin colour, not good at sport, not academic at school – feel rubbished and rejected especially by those in authority. Accepted here though every reason not to be – genuine reason to be rejected– a traitor deserving banishment and rejection but Father ran- unheard of, He ran across from heaven to earth came seeking you – not deceived – this is not pure repentance but seeking to save his skin! Loved and embraced before a word said - a true dad kiss - seeking relationship with him not just save skin. And then gifts for nothing Galatians 3

Note his problem with brother – still problems with acceptance! – But father steps in to sort it out – others still reject this one is around forever so you are wanted, accepted whatever by the most important one - believe Him whatever others think or say - not useless but precious to Him, unearned

A Group Picnic

The Tower Hamlets Christian Prayer Group has been going for a while so we wanted to have a joint activity to get to know one another.

On the 1st September we went to Lea Valley Country Park at Cheshunt and had a bring and share picnic.

A great time was had by all.

A Gift for Simon

Simon Pedley recently left to study to be a Church of England Minister. A few of us wanted to give him a good-bye gift. We felt the most appropriate gift would be a Bible.

On Friday 9th October, Steve and his wife Andrea went to present it to him at his home in Stratford.

He says he is doing well and enjoying studying. The tutors are Godly men and women who have a love and passion for Jesus.

He thanks everyone for their prayers and support and the lovely gift.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Vivienne's Good-Bye Meal

Vivienne was a valued member of of our group, and on 14th September she held a meal for her friends at the Bangla Quay Indian Restaurant.