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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fruit of the Spirit Study 2 - Joy, Luke 24:33-53

The Holy Spirit brings joy to every Christian. He fills our hearts with praise and thankfulness to God. Yet as you look back over the past few weeks, how joyful have you been? How can you experience this refreshing fruit of the Spirit more fully?

After Jesus' crucifixion, two of his disciples were walking to Emmaus. Suddenly a stranger joined them and began explaining the Scriptures about the Messiah. They did not recognize the stranger until they began to eat with him. Then their eyes were opened, they realized it was Jesus, and he vanished from their sight! They were so excited that they rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others. This passage helps us recapture the joy of the early disciples.
  1. What do you think of when you hear the word joy?

    When thinking of the word Joy emotions such as happiness, excitement and satisfaction seem to be generated.

  2. Read Luke 24:33-53. Try to picture those first few moments when the two find the eleven and the others (vv. 33-35). Now describe what you see!

    Two people came bursting into the room and were saying amazing things. They had been with Jesus! This must have caused uproar and bewilderment and disbelief.

  3. Suddenly, something happens to interrupt the story (vv. 36-39). How does the climate in the room change?

    Christ enters! The disciples must have been terrified. They knew this person but He was dead wasn't He? But another emotion starts to bubble up in them - Joy.

    What does this reveal about the disciples' true state of belief regarding Jesus' resurrection?

    Christ had told the disciples many times what would happen, how He must suffer and later to rise from the dead. The disciples did not understand let alone believe.

  4. Why did Jesus show them his hands and feet, and ask them to touch him (w. 39-40)?

    Jesus was very patient with them, He wanted their Joy to be grounded in reality. When it is grounded in reality and who Jesus is it becomes unshakable.

  5. For a moment, think of your wildest dream, the one thing in life you would rather see happen than anything else. Describe how you would feel if your dream were to come true.

    How does this help you understand what it meant for the disciples to be too joyful and amazed to believe (v. 41)?

    Could it really be true the one we love we saw dead is standing in the room with us now. Some times getting our wildest dream happen boggles the mind; we can't take it in.

  6. In what ways would their faith in him have been increased by seeing Jesus eat (vv. 41-43)?

    They looked at the empty plate with fish bones left on it. Ghosts don't eat do they?! Step by step Jesus was patiently building faith in His friends. Faith that would cause them to be able to speak out for him.

  7. Why were these activities—showing them his hands and feet and eating before them—necessary before he could open their minds to understand the Scriptures (v. 45)?

    Sometimes we humans are so locked in the physical, in the here and now, that Jesus knowing this had to use these things to get their attention and show he was real.

  8. The disciples, along with almost all other Jews, expected that the Messiah would be a political conqueror who would stamp out Rome's rule and restore Israel to her former glory. How does Jesus change their vision and understanding at this point in the narrative (vv. 46-47)?

    Christ's ever increasing Kingdom comes not by overthrow but changing individuals. Changing because they have believed the good news about Him.

  9. What The Father has promised (v. 49) is the Holy Spirit who would be sent to the disciples in the near future. In light of what Jesus has just been saying (w. 46-48), why is the Spirit's presence so important?

    Having The Holy Spirit enables us to experience God and His Joy which is grounded on who Jesus is.

  10. In verses 52-53 the disciples have changed from wondering and disbelieving for joy to having "great joy." How does Jesus' resurrection and the promise of the Holy Spirit help you to define joy?

    As was said earlier, this joy is based on reality and experience of Him.

  11. How can telling others about Jesus (v. 48) help us to experience this joy as fully as possible?

    Jesus is our friend and we want to introduce Him to others so they can know Him too. This brings us Joy as others are loving Him also.

  12. Spend time now praising God for who he is and what he has done for us.

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