At the group on 11th October we had Mike Hewett from Church for The City -East London come and talk to us.
Here are his talk notes.
Luke 15 Gods view of us sinners!
3 stories 3 issues and in it are 3 issues addressed that we need to believe God sees us like. One issue will be yours!
Lost sheep
Significance. Lost in the city now, but lost in Adam- God's number one man and woman. Beautiful, intelligent and a great couple together! All the attention of God and creation – lost it all and the looks! Some of us looking especially for this. Live wanting to `make it so looking for praise and promotion–work, home and Church. Shy and retiring but offended when not mentioned in the credits, upset if ignored or overlooked driven to be the best, always aware of what others think especially the boss or the pastor – fed by stories like Joseph, or biographies of famous Christians always hoping you could do even better – and battle with pride – our significance we are seeking to gain from job, family, church- Jesus wants to set us free from this unhappiness - Me
Jesus - died to save us from the consequences of our sins, but to restore what Adam lost through sin and rebellion and here Jesus tells us how He restores our significance Foolish smelly sheep. Left others for, spent time looking for, picked up, close and then strangest of all - party (not with roast lamb). Your eternal significance, world cup and Peruvian mountain villager conversion. You have the attention of heaven and of the Father–His child, and will rule cities and judge angels. He is the one who will great you at death (John 14:1) and why even if by this world's standards you are a nobody your Father is a somebody which makes you a somebody – He makes mountains, creates galaxies and thinks about you all the time! And sent His Son in your place. You are already of great significance- 70 years or 70 million million years – what is worth more?
No longer use people to make you significant and important – genuine love them – God raises up people in this life anyway. (Ps 75:7)
Lost Coin
Insecurity because difficulty like poverty, trauma or even death when young, but lost security in Adam when removed from security of the garden and God's presence. Uncertain about God's love - what if fall? Security in job, money, controlling people - live in fear – God here is pictured as one who seeks - He is doing the looking lighting the lamp - He found you, you are of value to Him in His hands Is 41:10 John 10:29. Eph 1:4 - been after you not let you go - lost sheep and lost son all chased! In death as in life Ps 139:16. But Mike my health, my job etc Not fatalistic as in - I can pray and seek His help but I am secure in His hands. Feelings of insecurity, circumstances shouting I am or solid fact of His word?
Lost Son
Acceptance – big deal when suffered loss of this – rejected by parents, school, work - personality, too thin, too fat, ugly, nationality, skin colour, not good at sport, not academic at school – feel rubbished and rejected especially by those in authority. Accepted here though every reason not to be – genuine reason to be rejected– a traitor deserving banishment and rejection but Father ran- unheard of, He ran across from heaven to earth came seeking you – not deceived – this is not pure repentance but seeking to save his skin! Loved and embraced before a word said - a true dad kiss - seeking relationship with him not just save skin. And then gifts for nothing Galatians 3
Note his problem with brother – still problems with acceptance! – But father steps in to sort it out – others still reject this one is around forever so you are wanted, accepted whatever by the most important one - believe Him whatever others think or say - not useless but precious to Him, unearned
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