The was a good number attended.

We sang all the usual carols. However, this year we sang without musician accompaniment.
Different people read from the Bible . I is and amazing story how God came.
Steve gave a short talk:
"Merry Christmas
The Christmas story of Christmas is an amazing story. It is not about the tinsel or about the Christmas tree, but about God himself coming to be one of us.
Human kind was
created by God to be a friend to us. The trouble is we are selfish
and we walked away from that friendship. Think about how you have a
friend and they offend you. They walk away from being your friend.
What do you do? Just let them walk away? Let them get on with it. Not
talk to them again? Well we might do that but God did not.
The baby in the manger shows that God is committed to us to being our friend. He is, as the Bible says, Immanuel, God with us.
This baby, we know,
grew up and demonstrated he was our friend. Showing he was God among
us. But we walked away; or at least some did. Some could not stand
the message he had to give. That God wanted to be our friend. He
wanted to be your friend. Christmas leads to Easter where This Baby –
The Lord Jesus Christ gave his life on The Cross so we could be
friends of God.
How do we respond to
that? Do we still walk away or do we accept his offer of friendship.
Do we recognise that he made all the first moves?
Many have tried, and still do, try and work so God would accept them. But this offer from him has already been given. This gift of life is a free gift of life. It requires only that we accept this gift and love this Baby – our Lord Jesus Christ who gave his life for you.
So, this Christmas, enjoy your Christmas dinner, enjoy the tinsel, enjoy the Christmas tree, but remind yourself the offer of friendship from God is there for the taking.

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