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Friday, December 10, 2010

Goodbye to Udeh

It is with genuine sadness that I tell of the news that Udeh is leaving us. His last day will be Tuesday 14th December.

Udeh became part of the group for just over a year. He has been a real blessing and a proper encouragement to us all.

Although he has had a few difficulties over the year he has always brought his needs to the group for prayer and saw God answer him; not least in having his contract extended from 3 months to over a year.

He will be flying out with his family out to Nigeria for the Christmas break and return in the new year to a new job.

He has already been offered new posts via his agency. He is open though that if they offer him to return here he will think about it hard.

Udeh is a really honourable man, but he will not enjoy me saying so.

Please pray for him and his future.
  • Pray for his interview for the new job on Tuesday.
  • Pray that he stays close to Jesus and that he will have the opportunity to start a new group up in his new work situation..
We shall miss you Udeh.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Modupe's Carol Service Talk 2010

Christmas Carol Sermon 2010 – TH Christian Fellowship Group at All Saints Church – Poplar

What do we find wonderful and exciting about Christmas? Is it decorations, the party atmosphere, the festive food, the holidays off work and being with our family and friends?
If you ask many families what makes their Christmas enjoyable and exciting - they will probably answer: the children - seeing their faces light up as they unwrap their presents, giving and receiving presents from loved ones.

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus - the fulfilment of God’s promise to send a Messiah, a Saviour, a descendent of David whose kingdom will never end.

Luke’s gospel describes the news of the coming of the Messiah. It tells us of the greetings from the Angel, and the news that Mary would have a Son - it tells us about her protest that she was not yet married and it tells us the angel’s reply to Mary that it would not be a man who would come to her but the Holy Spirit of God Himself, and Mary responds to God’s will.

Mary is humbled – she is astonished to be greeted as one who is specially favoured.

She is honest and not afraid to question the Angel as to how his promise to her can possibly come true.

Mary says ‘Yes’ and accepts God’s will for her life, and so becomes the mother of the Saviour of the world.

The expected event was to be unique - something wonderful - a new human being - but one whose origin was with God Himself – the Son of the Most High.

Let’s talk about the wise men referred to in the gospel of Matthew as Magi. At that particular time of Jesus’ birth the wise men had seen an unusual new star in the sky and knew that it signified the birth of a special King because we are told that they study the stars.

The star guided them to Bethlehem to a house where the child Jesus was in a crib in a manger – not in an NHS ward wrapped in the best cotton shawl and placed in a glass cot, not in a palace fit for a King like Jesus is meant to be. That is the humility of the birth of Jesus, though he was rich, yet for our sake he became poor, so that we through his poverty might become rich.

The men paid tribute and offered the child Jesus gifts - the reason we exchange gifts at Christmas as followers of Jesus, but most importantly because Jesus gave himself freely, He is our greatest gift.

The wise men came to Jesus by studying the star, by travelling a long way. Some of us come to faith by that long route but we just need to keep going, for God Himself will reward our quest.

What about the shepherds? Although the wise men might have studied the stars and knew about the impending birth, it was the shepherds who were told first when the angels of the Lord appeared to them in a vision and the glory of the Lord shone around them, so they set off for Bethlehem. They could have chosen to ignore the vision but obeyed and went to see the baby, the Saviour they had been promised. That night changed their lives forever. Their lives were changed because they went to find out for themselves. I bring the same good news and asking that we continue to seek Jesus and our lives will continually change forever.

Maybe we need to look again - at the reasons why Jesus came - and the difference He makes in our lives and our world today.

The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:26 “think of what you were when you were called. Not many were wise by human standards; not many are influential; not many were of noble birth but most of Jesus still loves us.

Jesus is atonement for our sins. In the Gospel of Luke, we see Jesus reach out to men and women, young and old, powerful and forgotten, demon possessed, and the politically connected.
God is still reaching out to everyone today. All we have to do is give our entire attention to what He is doing right now, and trust Him regarding what may or may not happen tomorrow.

Wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year in Jesus’ name – Amen.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Congratulations to Modupe

Modupe was admitted as Reader in the Church of England. It took three years of study and hard work.

Well done Modupe!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A story worth telling.

For many years (12 years I calculate) Andrea and I have been trying to live in the east end of London. We wanted to do this as we had been part of a church that had been working in the area for most of that time.

We had been living in Bermondsey and the only option open to us was home swap (mutual exchange in other words).

For innumerable times we’d place adverts in shops and housing offices to see if people would like to swap to our property. Many came and had a look. - We had a three bedroom property that the council had given us 25 years ago. But, either the Thames river was too much of a divide, or if people did accept then the council would refuse because too many wanted to come into the small flat or the people were in rent arrears. We could not buy either because of our age and could not get a mortgage.

I lost heart after too many disappointments.

I kept trying the only option open to us - swapping and felt I should explore the Chrisp Street market area of Poplar. We had a look around and I loved the vibrancy and dynamic of the people there.

I did not know how to proceed, I was stuck. If I advertised again I feared I would be disappointed. Then one of the church leaders (Mark) told me he felt from God I should try once more. “Had you any idea where you think you should try?”, he asked. I told him of my thoughts on Chrisp Street Market.

Hearing his encouragement it spurred me to put cards and posters in the shops of that area hoping people would ring up to swap. Most were very willing at no charge to have posters up. One newsagent however said it cost £1 per week to place a card in the window. I duly paid for one week and waited for the responses.

Indeed quite a lot of people did ring offering many different types of properties. One did look promising. It was a 3 bedroom maisonette on the first floor. It was OK and I got a bit excited about it. Andrea was concerned for the cats that would be able to get out. She had visions of me chucking the cats out of the window to let them out.
Because of her lack of enthusiasm I tended to drag my feet and the lady whose flat it was got impatient and dropped out. I think she was quite justified to do so. So, back to square one.

Meanwhile the card in the newsagent that I had paid a £1 for was still there ten weeks later. It was this card the lady of our new address had seen when she was visiting Chrisp Street market seeking to swap herself. Her husband rang saying they had seen the card.

By now the church I attend was in the middle of deciding to change locations and move further west. And although properties around Chrisp Street would have been OK for my work I felt it was no longer where God wanted us.

He mentioned he had seen the card in Chrisp Street Market and was interested in swapping. I quickly dismissed him say we no longer wished to live near Chrisp Street. “Oh no” he said “this is further west in Stepney” “Hmm OK,” I thought, and listened further.

He explained how his wife wanted to live near her sister and the girl there wanted to move to Bermondsey where we lived. This sounded complicated. We arranged a visit and loved the place. It was a ground floor maisonette with a garden in the heart of Stepney. In fact, it was right opposite where our good friend Alison had lived but she had recently got married and moved to Leicester. So we all agreed. The girl who was to move to ours was happy with our place too but she was effectively moving to a smaller place - still three bedrooms but smaller. The Council threw a few obstacles in our way, but after we over came them they agreed for it to go through.

We met the couple who’s house we were moving to go to the housing association offices to sign tenancies. The forms and questions were phenomenal. We were not used to it as we had not moved for over 25 years. After signing I knew it was for real and was irreversible.

All was completed and we agreed a moving date. The moving date was a bit later than we had originally thought as the couple was going on a barge holiday to Norfolk. This put it back a little but allowed us to pack and sort things out in the flat we were leaving. The girl moving to ours had already packed and left her place empty and went to her caravan in Clacton for the summer so wasn’t in a hurry to get to ours.

So moving day arrived. We had heard a neighbour was a removal man so the quote he gave us was quite reasonable. He had got the contract for the couple in Stepney too. The trouble was because they had gone away just prior to moving the had not packed and so were quite unprepared for the moving day. This gave us quite a good time to clear and sort things out and not feel rushed or pressurised. But the problem was about to get worse. The did not finish moving the others until gone 7pm. This meant the removers could only start with the larger items from our flat. The poor lads, they had started quite early and had many problems with the couples stuff. By 9:30 in the eveneing they were ready to take our second load but they look so tired and washed out I told the to come back another day. Again it all seemed fine in the hands of God as it allowed us to get a bit settled in before all the fiddly stuff came. We had placed a lot of stuff like books and our camping gear into storage, so when that comes out there will be even more uproar!

We are so happy at this new place. We feel really blessed by God. At time of writing we have the decorators in. Our daughter was able to get some paint from council refuse department. Trade painters pass on to the council any they don’t finish. We are very pleased with the colours and seem to have just been waiting for us to use. It’s a shame though we were just getting settled and the uproar. And then, when that is all over, we have to get what we placed into storage. More boxes to unpack!

God has provided and has blessed us and seems to be involved in every aspect of our move. We are so grateful.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Part 1 Study in Hebrews Led by Tony Eradiri

The Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews

In my study of the book of Hebrews, out of the many captions “Time to Decide” stands out more appropriate. So I am going to give this study the caption:

Time to Decide

The Author: I some times wonder why so much big deal is made on authorship of the books of the bible. The bible says “Every scripture is inspired by God …” 2 Timothy 3:16. How does who wrote it bless our spirit man other than believing the truth that it is inspired by God. There are inconclusive suggestions of the authorship by bible scholars, the earliest statement from Clement of Alexandria, who is of the opinion that Paul wrote it in Hebrew and Luke translated into Greek (Eusebius, History 6.14.2). Many commentators disagrees, that style of the writing does not fit Pauls style of writing. This is echoed by Farrar quoted by Dods and Bruce quoting Calvin. Yet, Tertullian in the early 200s, think is Barnabas; Martin Luther believed that Apollos wrote the book of Hebrews and Adolf Harnack of another school of thought by suggesting Priscilla with her husband Aquilla. I would rather safely say the human author is unknown but inspired by the Holy Spirit as is evident in the book.

Date of Writing: It is widely agreed by Bible scholars that it may have been written before the destruction of Jerusalem and the second temple in A.D. 70. David Guzik in his introduction to the book of Hebrews explained that since the writer is so engrossed with the passing of the Old Covenant, it seems unlikely that s/he would have ignored the destruction of the temple, if it had happened before the writing.

Purpose: A good number of the early Christians were Jewish converts. So during the years surrounding the writing of the book, they were faced

with can’t-turn-back decision. Should they stick with the familiar routine of the Jewish religion? After all, it enjoyed Romes’s official protection and had traditions going back thousands of years. Or should they take a risk and join the growing body of people who called themselves Christians? They needed some compelling reasons to choose Christianity. At that time new converts were being thrown out of Jewish temples, tossed into jail, and even tortured. Was faith in Christ worth the risk?
Point by point the author shows how Christ improved on the Jewish way. The book of Hebrews, therefore, contrasts between the good things of Judaism and the better things of Christ. The new faith is worth any risk.
The main focus of the book is on Jewish religion, comparing it to Christianity, the book also speaks to our time. Today the questions people ask, “Are religions all that different? Isn’t the most important thing to be sincere?” Hebrews insists there are decisive reasons to choose Christ. The author urges his readers to leap forward to a new experience with God through Jesus.

Chapter 1

God Has Spoken Through Jesus 1:1-4
Various ways of revelation was given through the prophets – sometimes through parables, proverbs, dramatic presentation, historical narrative, prophetic confrontation, psalms.
God has spoken to and through the prophets such as: Moses by a burning bush (Exodus 2), to Elijah by still, small voice (1 Kings 19), visions (Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 8:4, 11:24), to Hosea by his family crisis (Hosea 1:2) and to Amos by a basket of fruit (Amos 8:1), dreams (Daniel 2:3) angels (Zechariah 1:19) and direct speech (Genesis 12:1).
Spoken to us by His Son: The Son does not speak in Hebrews; the
Father speaks concerning the Son. The book of Hebrews is the Father telling us what the Son is all about.
He is the One upholding all things by the word of His power, but upholding is better thought of as “maintaining.” The word does not have the idea of passively holding something up (like the mythical Atlas held the earth), but of actively sustaining.

In His earthly ministry, Jesus constantly demonstrated the power of His word. He could heal, forgive, cast out demons, calm nature’s fury all at the expression of one word.

He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high: His position alone is enough to set Him above all angels.

Jesus Is Superior to the Angels 1:5-14
He is superior because He is the eternal Son of God and the glorified and exalted Man

- Superior because He was made perfect (our redeemer) through sufferings (Hebrews 2:10) – something no angel has ever done.

Christ is the full disclosure of God and serves as the one fixed point amid all the chaotic periods of history – the ‘time past’ of Old Testament history (1:1), the difficult times that the readers of Hebrews were enduring (12:4-13), and our own times in which we struggle against spiritually hostile forces (Ephesians 6:10-13). A number of believers still do not understand what exactly happens when they accept our Lord

Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. Hence, the disappointments, or attempting to use methods of the world to attaining Kingdom answers to their prayers or even backsliding. I find the book “Spirit, Soul and Body” by Andrew Wommack useful in explaining these three personalities, when Christ comes into our lives. The spirit becomes like Jesus including His abilities John 14:12. The Soul and the Body are yet to be transformed Romans 12:2, to accept what we are in our Spirit man John 14:12. When we become bold enough to attempt it, often times, doubt in our Soul and Body stops the manifestation. We can only attain spiritual result according to the power of the Holy Spirit that we allow to work in us Ephesians 3:20. We should kill our flesh for our spirit man to reign.
Therefore, as we face the temptation to doubt God or forsake His ways, this letter assures us that our key resource is the incomparable Christ.
- God’s communication to us (1:2)
- The heir of all things (1:2)
- The Creator of the worlds (1:3)
- A full reflection of God’s glory (1:3)
- The Sustainer of all things by the Word of His power (1:3): In His earthly ministry, Jesus constantly demonstrated the power of His word. He could heal, forgive, cast out demons, calm nature’s fury all at the expression of a Word
- The one who has purged our sins (1:3): external purification for sins is introduced. This is far apart from the idea that we can purify ourselves (as the Pharisees thought)
- Our representative with God (1:3)
- Superior to the angels (1:4)
- The possessor of ‘a more excellent name - Son’ (1:4)

The angels are ministering spirits, not governing spirits; service or not dominion is their calling.

Angels work for us (those who will inherit salvation).

Anthony U. Eradiri
Mulberry Place Prayer Group
08 July 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tower Hamlets Christian Prayer Group Prayer Walk

Tower Hamlets Christian Prayer Group Prayer Walk
15 July 2010

2 Chron 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Point 1.
Thanks & Praise
Mulberry Staff
Mayor & Chief Exec

Point 2.
Post room –Tony
Christian Groups in Borough – to effective and well attended.
Group leaders (Steve, Doreen, Arline, Ola)
East End Life newspaper

Point 3.
Christian MP’s
National Government –wise decisions
London Mayor
Labour Mayoral candidates decision (Uma King, Ken Livingstone)

Point 4.
Transport (DLR Strike)
Anchorage staff

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Easter Plans

Easter is fast approaching, and our heart is to share good news with people and be available to serve our colleagues in both prayer and providing information.

Two years ago we had a literature table in the foyer of Mulberry Place during the week prior to and after the Easter weekend.

This year I felt it would be good to do the same but to have a table in other buildings too: Anchorage, Albert Jacob and Jack Dash.

It will need for everyone to get involved. Last time we created a rota to stand behind the table and smile sweetly offer help and pray. Many from other buildings came and joined in during that time. This year, as there hopefully will be other buildings having tables of their own, we will need more of you to back this by being available.

I have generated a poster which I think is quite striking. This will go on the wall or a display board behind the table.

Another thing I felt would be good would be a prayer box. A place for people to put private prayer requests in and for the group that meets in that building to pick up the slips and pray.

We hopefully will be giving out "Hot Cross Buns" and mini easter eggs, and these will come free with a leaflet!

The Dates planned are 29th March to Thursday 1st April.

The times when someone should be at the table is 8-10am, 12-2pm and 4 - 6pm.

This will need funding so if you feel you can give please call me.

Please do you best to get involved.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Visiting Albert Jacob House Christian Prayer Group

Recently, as you know, we have gained prayer rooms in two of the buildings in the borough. Albert Jacob House Christian group had been praying for some time for a room they could call their own to meet in and pray in. They were so thrilled that last week they were given a small room on the ground floor. They are so grateful to God for having this facility to use.

Today I joined their meeting to pray and dedicate the room to God.

The group in Albert Jacob House are a passionate and committed group; really on fire for Jesus.

Two or three gave exhortations about how they would use the room and prayed that God would bless it's use. One exhortation was from Sister Julia reading from 2 Chron 7:1-5, The dedication of the Temple.

I then shared our Easter plans(more of that later).

Just before I had to leave (I had a long bus ride to get back to Mulberry), they prayed for me so I left there feeling really blessed.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Answered prayer

Recently we have been told a number answers to prayer within the group.

Last week we had a praise and thanks meeting at Mulberry to give glory to God for all he had done.

Here are some of the things mentioned.

Toyin passed her accountancy exams. (Since then Toyin has told of her son getting first choice for his school).

Flora had her trip back to Nigeria miraculously provided for.

Felix’s friend eyes have improved.

Andy’s Daughter-in-law got not just one job but two!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fear Comes By Hearing... A message from Doreen Kersey

Beloved of God,

I just wanted to share these thoughts with all of us the Saints of God wonderfully and fearfully made in His image.

We already know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). Caleb and Joshua were distinguished gentlemen that brought faith-inspiring report because they have been trained on hearing the right things. Exodus 17:14 - And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. Fear, like faith, also comes from hearing and hearing the wrong words from the wrong sources. How?

In Luke 8:49, carriers of evil report came to Jairus to tell him not to trouble Jesus anymore because his daughter had finally died. Jesus - who was not the one being addressed- realizing that fear cometh by hearing and hearing the wrong words (words that do not originate from God) intervened immediately before Jairus' brain could process the evil report! Luke 8:50 - But when Jesus heard it, he answered him, saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole.

Finally, brethren, I beseech you by the mercies of God, disassociate yourselves from carriers of bad news. God did the same – He permitted only Caleb and Joshua (of all the Israelites that were born in Egypt) to enter the Promised Land. Jesus did the same – He locked out all the messengers of doom from the room where He resurrected Jairus' daughter!

In His Service


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mike Hewett's talk on the Cross to the group

Today we had a quest speaker. Mike Hewett, from Church for The City- East London. He spoke from Colossians 2:13-15.

He gave four points:

  1. We were dead. Dead people are not able to respond, or feel, or experience. So we were not able to feel or experience or hear God because we were spiritually dead. We were dead in our trespasses. When we trespass we go where are not meant to go or do what we are meant to do. But God made us alive through Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection.

  2. We have been forgiven Our sin has been cleared. Jesus said “he, who has been forgiven much, loves much.” We had a massive amount of sin against us but it is ALL forgiven.

  3. God cancelled the written code All the rules and all the penalties for not following those rules have been cancelled, thus there was no debt outstanding.

  4. The Cross triumphed The shame of our sin has turned tables and shamed Satan. Christ at His weakest, most vulnerable, loneliest, has won the victory through the Cross.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Appeal

It was quite an amount we collected for the Haiti Earthquake Appeal. £2,049.14.

Wumi did a brilliant job so a big THANK YOU to her for volunteering. And to her manager for being tollerent.

Andy took photographs of us that will go in "Pulling Together"

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Cross of Christ - Overview Bible Study

The Cross of Christ is the single most important event in human history. The cross spans time and affects before it and since it. It is a place for sacrifice, a payment for sin, place of victory. In the Bible it is foretold in Genesis, the first book. And the rest of the old testament speaks of it extensively.

Looking forward to the Cross

  • The Curse of the Serpent Genesis 3:15
  • The Passover Lamb Ex 12:21-28
  • Look and Live Numbers 21:8-9 (John 3:14)
  • The Law requires blood Heb 9:22
  • The Scapegoat Lev 16:8-10
  • The Words of the Cross Psalm 22
  • The suffering servant Is 53

The Event of the Cross

  • Christ crucified Luke 23:26 ff

The Mercy of the Cross

  • "Father Forgive” Luke 23:34
  • “Today you will be with me in paradise” Luke 23:35-43

The Victory of the Cross

  • “It is finished” John 19:30
  • Disarmed the powers Col 2:15

A Stumbling Block

  • 1 Cor 1:23

Our Cross

  • Take up his cross Luke 9:23
  • I have been crucified with Christ Gal 2:20

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Donations to Haiti

After our prayer meeting many expressed a desire to give towards the Haitian disater. So for the next week, until next Thursday, Wumi has volunteered to collect everyones giving. If you would like to give please talk to her on 0930.

We will next week pass on all your gifts to the Haiti Earthquake Appeal.

( We have a mention on the Tower Hamlets Intranet front page :
"Bucket collection for Haiti
The Christian Group is raising money for those suffering in Haiti. There will be a bucket collection on each floor in Mulberry Place on Wednesday 20 January between 2 – 4pm. All donations will be handled to the Disaster Emergency Committee. The collection ends on Thursday the 21st. Anyone wishing to donate outside these hours please contact Wumi Ovewole, Strategy, Partnership and Performance, Second Floor, Mulberry Place, ext. 0930.")