When the leaders met with the Rev Alan Green back in July he told us that up until Mr Tony Blair became Prime Minister having faith in the work place was your own affair and the secular world or organization did not tend to mix. However, since he came to power he encouraged organisations to welcome and celebrate faith as an integral part of a work force expression.
Rev Green told us that as this was a bit of new concept many organisations did not know how to do what was asked of them. Forums were set up and consultations made, but it ended up being still a bit of a muddle.
How then can we as a group promote our presence within the borough? we asked.
He suggested we could be as bold and self confident about our beliefs as we liked as long as we don't criticize other faith groups.
After all said and done we felt these pointers were very helpful. We felt we could use these to see the group progress.
This in mind today's meeting was convened.
Stephen Henry could not attend but sent some thoughts via Email
1. I strongly feel the need to address the question of faith equality. Why should our being Christians be considered offensive to anyone. We have as much right as any other faith to make staff aware of our ministry.
2.The lunch time meetings; Would after work meetings, with appropriate refreshments be worth trying to avoid staff not having time, or having meetings to attend during the lunch period.
3. We should be able to advertise our ministry with a mission statement and who to contact for further information. We also could look toward local clergy providing a service, on a once a month basis, with suitable advertising.
Parity within the Borough
Steve asked if there were any thoughts first off.
Straight away many expressed they wanted a room in Mulberry Place dedicated to Christian prayer. This would be somewhere people could go to to reflect and pray away from pressures of work.
It was suggested that in summer, when the weather was good, we could pray outside. We had done something like that last week when we did the prayer walk and another is planned at the end of November.
It was expressed that prayer breaks seem to be acceptable for other faiths.
Recently the Muslim forum was invited to attend a meeting with a deaf signer. The Christian Group would have liked the opportunity to have had something similar.
Changes to our meetings.
Presently we meet on a Monday 1 - 2pm led by Doreen Kersey and Thursdays 12:30 to 1:30 led by Steve and Jessica.
Should our times change to accommodate those who don't come at present or come infrequently.
No time is a good time was expressed, but it was up to the individual to decide on priority and support they wish to make to the group.
As said earlier Steve Henry wondered whether an evening meeting, with appropriate refreshments, occasionally.
The meetings are normally an hour and Flora recommended to attend for that whole hour to get the full benefit of the meeting. Mangers should be flexible to staff to allow people to attend the group. People should be bold to ask for that time especially as Muslims are allowed the 12 to 2 window.
Steve encouraged everyone to get other people to come and be enthusiastic about the group meetings.
Collection of Purpose.
Having the group have a goal or collection of purpose would encourage more to come. That was shown when the group rallied round to be part of the previous Easter campaign.
Maybe knowing the structure of the meeting would help people realize what they where missing.
Variety was also needed as one person felt the meetings had become a bit stale recently.
Christmas and Easter campaigns would be discussed at a later date.
Jessica added further comments via email:
The TH Christian prayer group should be:
- A forum for staff across the borough to worship Jesus Christ collectively.
- Study the Bible and apply its teachings in the workplace/community
- Pray
- Hold events to create awareness about the Christian faith
- Celebrate major Christian festivals such as Christmas and Easter
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