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Saturday, April 7, 2012

A right view of the Cross

On Thursday, just before Easter break, at group we went through Isiah 53. This is a prophecy about the suffering servant foretelling Jesus' death. It is a very deep passage with lots of content. We ended the study with the reading of the song Thank you for the Cross.

Even when we turned our backs on You  
In wickedness and lies suppressed Your truth
Even then You showed Your love for us
Giving up Your life upon the Cross

Jesus thank You for the Cross
For the blood that sets us free
The crimson stain of all our sin
Washed away in Your mercy

Enemies of God with no excuse
Knowing what was right we turned from You
Given up to sin condemned to die
Even then You chose to give us life

Everyone of us deserves to die
But You save all who hope
In Your great love.

Brenton Brown Mercy publishing ccli 3447356

Life can be so busy that unintentionally we can get a little complacent about the cross and what it truly mean for Christians.

It was the cross that showed how much God loved us.

I really recommend we have another look at Isaiah 53. As you read, allow the Holy Spirit to talk to you.

When we have we have a correct view of the Cross we no longer fear God has stopped loving us.