He gave four points:
- We were dead. Dead people are not able to respond, or feel, or experience. So we were
not able to feel or experience or hear God because we were spiritually dead. We were dead in our trespasses. When we trespass we go where are not meant to go or do what we are meant to do. But God made us alive through Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection.
- We have been forgiven Our sin has been cleared. Jesus said “he, who has been forgiven much, loves much.” We had a massive amount of sin against us
but it is ALL forgiven.
- God cancelled the written code All the rules and all the penalties for not following those rules have been cancelled, thus there was no debt outstanding.
- The Cross triumphed The shame of our sin has turned tables and shamed Satan. Christ at His weakest, most vulnerable, loneliest, has won the victory through the Cross.