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Thursday, January 31, 2008
Mark Waterfield talk -- It's all about the people!
When he died- How much did he leave? He left it all!!
What do we build our life on? What do we invest our time in?
Jesus says: 'Love God & love one another'
Jesus was all about the people!!
Jesus had compassion on crowds, healed sick, set people free, spent time with friends...
Jesus died on the cross for People
Jesus minisrty was all about PEOPLE
So many things in life are Temporary- house, car, phone, money, etc..
Investing in People has Eternal significance!!
We need to prioritise in our lives and put- God & people first!Everything else fits around them
Good news of Jesus is for everyone in office, neighbourhood, friends, etc... All people
We can make a difference:
Our actions, words, acts of kindness, generosity, love, etc....
Can make a huge difference in a persons life
Story of Johnny bag handler & Art teacher
Paul says in 1 Thes 2v19-20 - People are my glory/joy/crown
What is your life all about? Possesions or People?
Follow the example of Jesus and live a life all about people!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Saying Good Bye to a Godly Man

On 24th January we said good-bye to Ola Taiwo. He had been a very much valuable member of the group and part of the leadership team.
We had a Bring and Share lunch which many people contributed to.
There was a strong sense of the presence of God.
Steve presented a Bible to him. It was the same one we had given Simon when he had left. We had noticed then that Ola had liked the look of it. He was very surprised and very grateful.
Ola felt he should read from Exodus 11 and pray what he felt from God for us as a group.
That we would be effective and would see God increase our influence stepping out for Him and seeing things happen. Ola told us how blessed we were as there were not many work places that has such a strong group such as ours around. That was a real encouragement.
Ola told us he had gained a new job with Bedfordshire county council.
After he spoke we prayed for him for God's blessing. Many spoke out prayers of effectiveness and increase for him. A few felt from God about how he was to rely on the strength of God and not dismiss himself because he felt weak or ineffectual.
We suggested that if there was not a Christian group at his new place of work, he should start one.